Hello Carsten,
the main idea is:
1. user has a list of rules in his decision table ( decision table should have columns like crtype || wfstep || ruledescription || on/off [return value] )
2. user has everytime the possiblity to switch on or off the rule
3. we will have a brf+ function (for check/derive) with many rules
4. every rule should have a precondition to check, if the rule is executable or not ( this will realized in a procedure call)
5. with this proceed, the user has the option to set rules for specific crtypes/wfstep ( the rules can reusable)
if we don't determine dynamically the rule description, user has to initialize the ruledescription in a rule before, for example:
First rule: lv_rule_description = "rule1"
Second rule: rule with precondition ( Procedure call with an importing parameter lv_rule_description )
I want to avoid that the user create always two rules, my goal is to determine dynamically the rule descripton. If I achieve this proceed the user creates only one rule with a predefined procedure call in the rule precndition....
This is a "traum"...