LinkConfGoodsmov The goods movements are linked to a confirmation via the LinkConfGoodsmov table. There must be an entry in this table for every entry in the Goodsmovements table. The index in the LinkConfGoodsmov-Index_Confirm field refers to the lines in the corresponding confirmation in the AtHdrLevels table and the index in the LinkConfGoodsmov-Index_Goodsmov field refers the corresponding good movement in the Goodsmovements table.
If you want to prevent a goods movement being posted during a confirmation according to the standard logic, make an entry in the LinkConfGoodsmov table as well as in the AtHdrLevels table. The index in the LinkConfGoodsmov-Index_Confirm field refers to the lines of the corresponding confirmation in the AtHdrLevels table. Enter the initial value 0 in the LinkConfGoodsmov-Index_Goodsmov field. It is not necessary to make an entry in the Goodsmovements table, in this case.
If no entry exists in the LinkConfGoodsmov table for a confirmation, goods movements are determined using the standard logic for backflushing and automatic goods receipt for confirmations.